Friday, January 24, 2014

It's a Sign.

"CAUTION! WET FLOOR!" shouted Janitor Molitrov, pointing to the yellow pointy sign. The woman walking towards Aisle 6 to get her eggs rolled her eyes.

"Oh, please, calm down- ahhh!" She tripped on the wet floor and the pack of bacon she held in her hand went flying the air and landed on the head of a man in the other aisle with such force that the package split open and cold bacon flopped down over his forehead and face. He wiped it off his head and screamed.

"WHO JUST THREW PORK AT MY HEAD?!" he shouted. His security team swarmed around him and drew their concealed weapons looking for the culprit. "They are attacking me! They are attacking Allah!" the man shouted. He walked forward to the nearest aisle where a pimply faced teenager timidly swiped people's milk cartons across the scanner with rhythmic high-pitched beeps, grabbed the telephone behind his head and shouted into the receiver. His voice echoed throughout the entire Safeway supermarket.

"I was on my way to President Barack Obama's house to sign a peace deal between my country and the United States. All war would have ended. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew it was only a matter of time before you Americans would take the time to soil my belief and country and most importantly, my God! We will now not only be withdrawing our diplomacy and signature from this historic treaty but we will be officially waging war on America!" His security guards fired off their pistols into the air and people screamed as pieces of drywall and lighting equipment fell down from above. The group then stormed out of the building.

The woman on the floor looked up at Janitor Molitrov who shook his head at her. He picked up his walkie talkie.



"We got another international war sparked over here because someone didn't listen to the sign again." He rolled his eyes. "And I can't get into the supply closet, my key got jammed."

"Weird. Did you try twisting it?"

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